Origin Story
In 2017 Anna was a year into in a dense depression, mysteriously ill, in chronic pain, and struggling to eat, she weighed 109 lbs at her lowest. Anna was ending a marriage of 10 years with $500 in her bank account, a car of belongings and a leap of faith trusted on intuition and synchronicity. It would become her respite for two years in the Arizona desert, an artist residency that, like a mirage, arose just a few years prior to her arrival and, upon her leaving, dissolved.
Anna started creating Psychologlyphs to meet a personal need; to see and understand what was really happening in their emotions and relationships. They were completely starting over, knowing no one, with no frame of reference, and uncertain of who to trust. They were reparenting themselves, on food stamps and unemployment, and still weak with exhaustion, a completely fried nervous system, anxiety, and a still very unclear future.
As an adult in 2018 The Psychologlyphs and Creative Spiral, and her oil paintings guided me through as I started my life completely over in every aspect. Interestingly, these were also the maps and teachings Anna had needed as a small child
Today Anna continues to create the maps for personal use and now shares them with coaching clients and students.
Where did the Right Relationship Project come from?
Right Relationship Project
About Anna ~ the Project ~ the Vision.

Context: My name is Anna Fox Ryan. I'm the founder of the Right Relationship Project. As an artist and avid explorer of psychology and energy medicine, I’ve been documenting “power” in my art since 2007.
For the past 15 years I’ve created and presented my art mostly alone, keeping to my studio and the occasional gallery show. I exhibited in New York, Philadelphia, Portugal, and was even featured by Neiman Marcus. In 2018 I withdrew my work from the galleries I’d been with, knowing that this was not the path I was called to continue.
At the same time a new purpose was budding, merging my collected insights and artistic language. The result is an ongoing series of creations that can play a more active and integrated role in serving the mental health needs of our communities.
The call I'm feeling now is to relinquish the striving of the gallery world, or the urgency in our mental health fields, and to relax into myself as an artist with inherently therapeutic and philosophical creations.
Right Relationship Project is a divergence from the way I once presented myself. As “Anna Fox Ryan Studio” there was emphasis on the “I”, the one, the individual. This separation served during my hermitage years in the studio, but it's no longer aligned with how I see myself as an interconnected being.
Right relationship is a term and concept I’ve repeatedly uncovered in my studies. It’s a core element in Buddhism and Peruvian energy medicine. It sings through the Celtic origins of my bloodline, and roots deep in many indigenous cultures across the world. It speaks of the harmonious relationships that we are capable of and meant to have with all creation. This is what I wish to grow. This website is a touchstone for the embodiment of right relationship I seek to live and share in the life and art beyond the digital web, and into the physical and energetic networks of the human experience.
My intent is that the Right Relationship Project will support inspired education of mental, emotional and relational health using the arts as our primary modality. RRP serves as a container for integral growth including art, teachings, articles, and unique growth experiences. With this emphasis on integration we aim to make beauty functional, and function beautiful.
RRP is a newborn as of Spring Equinox 2022. In time, we will offer resources and referrals to celebrate our fellow artists, healers, educators and visionaries. I envision an abundance of collaboration that is healthy, balanced, grounded and inspired. I have a vision, with a plan forming beneath my feet as I walk. I welcome the emergent process, with the Project assisting in calling in those right partners who properly align in right relationship to our purpose — to serve the evolution of consciousness on our planet in service of the highest good for all, all that is and all that may become.
May it be beautiful. May it be so.
For the past 15 years I’ve created and presented my art mostly alone, keeping to my studio and the occasional gallery show. I exhibited in New York, Philadelphia, Portugal, and was even featured by Neiman Marcus. In 2018 I withdrew my work from the galleries I’d been with, knowing that this was not the path I was called to continue.
At the same time a new purpose was budding, merging my collected insights and artistic language. The result is an ongoing series of creations that can play a more active and integrated role in serving the mental health needs of our communities.
The call I'm feeling now is to relinquish the striving of the gallery world, or the urgency in our mental health fields, and to relax into myself as an artist with inherently therapeutic and philosophical creations.
Right Relationship Project is a divergence from the way I once presented myself. As “Anna Fox Ryan Studio” there was emphasis on the “I”, the one, the individual. This separation served during my hermitage years in the studio, but it's no longer aligned with how I see myself as an interconnected being.
Right relationship is a term and concept I’ve repeatedly uncovered in my studies. It’s a core element in Buddhism and Peruvian energy medicine. It sings through the Celtic origins of my bloodline, and roots deep in many indigenous cultures across the world. It speaks of the harmonious relationships that we are capable of and meant to have with all creation. This is what I wish to grow. This website is a touchstone for the embodiment of right relationship I seek to live and share in the life and art beyond the digital web, and into the physical and energetic networks of the human experience.
My intent is that the Right Relationship Project will support inspired education of mental, emotional and relational health using the arts as our primary modality. RRP serves as a container for integral growth including art, teachings, articles, and unique growth experiences. With this emphasis on integration we aim to make beauty functional, and function beautiful.
RRP is a newborn as of Spring Equinox 2022. In time, we will offer resources and referrals to celebrate our fellow artists, healers, educators and visionaries. I envision an abundance of collaboration that is healthy, balanced, grounded and inspired. I have a vision, with a plan forming beneath my feet as I walk. I welcome the emergent process, with the Project assisting in calling in those right partners who properly align in right relationship to our purpose — to serve the evolution of consciousness on our planet in service of the highest good for all, all that is and all that may become.
May it be beautiful. May it be so.