Did you know that I'm a Creativity Guide?
What?! Yes! Creativity Guide! Whether you're wanting to go deeper or make a change in your personal relationships, your artistic projects, your career, or simply how you do life I have a trek bag for you. I have a map, I have tools, I have a sincere interest in listening to where you want to go, where you're ready to go, what your concerns are, what your aspirations are and from there we will chart a course and ensure you're ready for the adventure. I work with clients who want to be more creative with their life. (No, put the hair dye away. That's not what I mean). These are people who want to live their lives as though they are doing it on purpose. They want to create their world and then step into it fully alive and ready to take part in a fresh and updated way. In other words, you're ready for change and you'd like to have a say in it. To that I say, hell yeah! Let's begin right here. The filters that block us. How do you see your Self? What roles, values, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and stories do you identify with? Our minds and bodies are programmed en utero, at birth, and throughout childhood with the multifaceted perceptual baseline. This is our default of how we receive the world, and how we express ourselves into the world consciously and unconsciously. These are our natural personalities, that are then layered with familial patterns, preferences, biases, belief systems and fears, that are then sprinkled with any traumas large and small that we've endured in life. By the time we're 18 and supposedly ready to adult, how we express ourselves into the world is really only a fragment of who we authentically are. The true self with it's truest needs and wants ends up being filtered through externally influenced desires, interests, dreams, concerns, fears, expectations, agendas, motivation etc.. Welcome to the labyrinth of detours and dead ends. But we do this for survival. It's a primal instinct that gives us a sense of belonging as we find patterns of acceptable behavior amongst those we desire to be accepted by. We Adjust who we are to adapt to circumstances. But if your adjustments are starting to feel uncomfortable or unbearable, then you're probably trying to adapt to a situation that is not aligned with who you naturally are. Pause for panic attack. Breathe. Keep reading. I have good news when you're done. Imagine this. What if you could fly from your authentic center out into the world without having to monitor yourself for appropriateness, accuracy, or acceptability? How would you feel? Like, really close your eyes and imagine how this would feel. I'll wait... Would you be free? Free to be the safe parts and the sometimes hidden parts of yourself in your relationships, free to toss your voice and vision into projects, free to celebrate the crap out of yourself for the successes and even the missteps, because at least you learned that lesson. Are you getting my picture? I want you to be all of yourself and I believe that you can be all of yourself without burning the place to the ground and starting over. I'm here to give you a map that will provide a template for the Creations YOU are living. My job is to help you to see where you are now, and to open yourself to discovering where you sincerely want to go. This is a turning point in your life. Slow the pace. Don't make any brash decisions. Listen, and make the choices that are truly calling to you. Why work with Anna? In 2016 I got a severe injury that forced me into a meditation. In an instant I got a message that it was time to "turn my ship around. Return to your art. That is where your medicine is." That week I released all of my clients and began my return to art. I ended up divorcing my husband and moving across the country to start over. Today I feel more like myself than ever before. I'm blending my studies in conscious development and energy medicine with my lifelong path and career as an artist. The combined expertise is over 45 years. I've changed. I've walked the transition and I'm here to send a map out to those who are ready for their own change, and who want to do it with clarity. Spastic changes produce change, but they can cause damage. I want to assist in creating intentional and generative change, not destructive change. That's why my first questions are What do you want to create in your life? What do you want to build together?