I'm hitting the road and rolling 'cross country to Kingman Arizona! September through December I'll be one of the Artists in Residence at the Art Hub Residency. As a resident I'll have a living and studio space to call my own for three months! I'll offer 3 workshops in addition to dedicating myself to to personal creative works. What will that personal work be? I'm not telling! (because I don't know yet.) Check back to find out! In the meantime, follow my creative adventures here and on Instagram @AnnaFoxRyan. Knowing me, it will be a cocktail of beauty, spirit and oddities. Cheers. While I'm in Arizona I'll also be traveling to give oil painting lectures for Gamblin Artist Colors. Check out my workshop page to see when and where you can catch the presentations. But before any of this happens, I'm packing the bus and road tripping to Arizona with my friend (and yoga teacher extraordinaire) Vic. Fire ceremonies all the way! See you on Instagram!